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Become Certified & Internationally Recognized Meditation Trainer / Mindfulness
Coach / Spiritual Coach

  • A Google 5 star rated training
  • Flexible: Self paced learning
  • Inbuilt free personal coaching
  • Direct call support from the master
  • Non religious & practical training
  • Lifetime access and support
  • Experience Deeper State of Meditation
  • Design & Hold Your Own Meditation Workshops & Sessions
  • Become a realized Meditation Master yourself
  • Learn from the Master
  • Lifetime teaching license
  • Take corporate training/group classes


Learn meditations from different traditions:

  • Mindfulness
  • Breathwork
  • 7 Chakra Healing Therapy
  • Yoganidra Master Training
  • Sound/Nada
  • Nature 5 elements
  • Happiness Module
  • Meditations from Lord Shiva
  • Buddhist
  • Yogic
  • Sufi


What is Included in the Online courses?

  • Internationally accepted Certification to start your own classes/coaching
  • Unlimited one to one personal guidance sessions with Master Dev OM
  • Very loving and supporting atmosphere
  • Extensive live practice
  • Unlimited questions and doubt clearance even after the course
  • Practice and guidance of designing your own classes and trainings
  • Anytime Classes to give you the flexibly of time and speed
  • 3 amazing bestseller books by Dev OM including the meditation scripts and in depth practical knowledge about meditation, chakras and spiritual growth


Online Courses

100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training || Offer price – Euro 500 (original price Euro 900) ​

  • What is and is not Meditation
  • What is and is not Mindfulness 
  • Physical Mindfulness 
  • Mental Mindfulness 
  • Emotional Mindfulness 
  • Spiritual Mindfulness
  • 7 Chakra Healing Therapy
  • Yoganidra Master Training
  • Learn to design and develop your own workshop / retreat
  • Learn to design and conduct corporate trainings
  • Discover your own light.
  • Deepen your meditation practices and meditative energies
  • Guided meditation scripts and audios 

200 Hours Mindfulness Coach + Advanced Meditation Therapist Training || Offer price – Euro 900 (original price Euro 1800)​

  • Everything in 100 hours training plus the points given below
  • Learn to use Meditation in therapeutic manner
  • Learn individual mindfulness coaching tools
  • Breathwork Master training
  • Compassionate Communication module
  • Design residential Mindfulness and Chakra Therapy retreats
  • Become Advance Meditation trainer
  • Learn effective tools of emotional healing
  • Sufi Meditation Master Training
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Shiva Consciousness Training

300 Hours Spiritual Coaching || ​Offer price – Euro 1500 (original price Euro 3000)​

  • Everything in 200 hours training plus the points given below
  • Advanced spiritual coach training
  • Discover your true spiritual path and being
  • In-depth understanding & training for conscious living
  • Coaching to tackle all practical aspects of life in a spiritual manner (relationship, career, aspirations, goals, responsibilities, people’s skills etc)
  • Enhance your synchronicity and help others with the same
  • Advance Shiva Consciousness Training
  • In depth practice of spiritual coaching tools


In-Person Trainings

100 Hours in-person Meditation Teacher Training

  • What is and is not Meditation
  • What is and is not Mindfulness 
  • Physical Mindfulness 
  • Mental Mindfulness 
  • Emotional Mindfulness 
  • Spiritual Mindfulness
  • 7 Chakra Healing Therapy
  • Yoganidra Master Training
  • Learn to design and develop your own workshop / retreat
  • Learn to design and conduct corporate trainings
  • Discover your own light.
  • Deepen your meditation practices and meditative energies
  • Guided meditation scripts and audios 

Program Excursions:

  • Everything in 100 hours training plus the points given below
  • Learn to use Meditation in therapeutic manner
  • Learn individual mindfulness coaching tools
  • Breathwork Master training
  • Compassionate Communication module
  • Design residential Mindfulness and Chakra Therapy retreats
  • Become Advance Meditation trainer
  • Learn effective tools of emotional healing
  • Sufi Meditation Master Training
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Shiva Consciousness Training

The Methodology Of The Training:

  • Everything in 200 hours training plus the points given below
  • Advanced spiritual coach training
  • Discover your true spiritual path and being
  • In-depth understanding & training for conscious living
  • Coaching to tackle all practical aspects of life in a spiritual manner (relationship, career, aspirations, goals, responsibilities, people’s skills etc)
  • Enhance your synchronicity and help others with the same
  • Advance Shiva Consciousness Training
  • In depth practice of spiritual coaching tools


100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training (Including 7 Chakra Healing Therapy+ Yoganidra Master Training) in Rishikesh, India:

  • 15 – 22 April 2022
  • 15 – 22 May 2022 – (London, UK)
  • 05 – 12 Jul 2022 – (Montreal, Canada)
  • 01 – 08 August 2022 – (New York, USA)
  • 05 – 12 Sept 2022
  • 01 – 08 Nov 2022

Wondering How This Course Can Help in Your Personal Life and Personal Growth?

These courses are designed and structured to help you grow at a deeper level. Many students experience:

  • A lifetime shift of energy
  • A deep self-discovery process
  • An amazing time of simple friendliness, total acceptance of your being, nonjudgmental atmosphere, sense of increasing peace and bliss inside and the abundance of pure Himalayan meditative energies.
  • Discovering your inner strength and true potential. Becoming deeply connected with your true Self.
  • Develop a lifelong friendship and be part of an amazing support group with your fellow participants from all over the world.
  • A shift on a higher spiritual level in your practices.
  • A great improvement in your communication skills where you will start to speak from your heart, can express yourself honestly and clearly, can understand others truthfully and be understood.

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Why learn from Master
Dev OM?

  • Trained directly with the greats like The Dalai Lama, Thich Nath-Hanh (The Father of Mindfulness), and the great icon of compassion Mother Teresa.
  • Closed down his software export business at the age of 29 and took initiation into the spiritual life. Dedicated his life to meditation and spiritual growth.
  • Lived and meditated in the ashrams of Maharshi Raman and Osho for years.
  • Lived and meditated in the ashrams of Maharshi Raman and Osho for years.
  • Lived in isolation for 6 years in deep meditation in the Himalayas in the Jungle of Mcleodganj and Leh.
  • Internationally acclaimed Trainer, Speaker, and Author.
    Author of 12 Self-help and spiritual books (4 Amazon bestsellers + amazon first rank holders in respective categories)
  • Internationally acclaimed Trainer, Speaker, and Author.
    Creator of 50+ Guided Meditations and self-discovery tools addressing different emotional and psychological situations.
    Given mindfulness talks and training in 36 countries including UK, Canada, USA, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, and more.


Student’s Reviews

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